Thursday, November 10, 2011


I can never actually see his face, but I know that he is there. It's the same dream over and over and over again. I'm being chased but there is no place to go. Sometimes I'm running along side of someone else...someone that seems kind and friendly. In those cases I never feel alone. A few times I have tried to reach for the other persons hand, but I can never run fast enough to catch up. But most of the time I am by myself, frantic and confused.


It seems like I run endlessly, but I always end up in the same exact place. There have been days when it has been hard to tell when I am awake and when I am dreaming. Much of it feels the same anymore...


  1. K8-

    These dreams may be your minds way of telling you that you are cutting yourself off from those who care about you.

  2. Dear anon: 423
    I never thought of it that way, but maybe...
